If you have an on-site wastewater treatment system on your residential or commercial property, you know that it's a significant investment you will want to protect. With proper operation and regular maintenance, your septic system will function and last longer.

Extend the Life of Your System With Septic Pumping

The team at Putnam Septic knows that waiting to have your septic tank pumped out can mean complete clogging and an expensive repair bill. With 11 years of experience, let our family-owned and locally operated business keep your septic tank running smoothly.


Periodic pumping of your septic tank is far less costly than the repair or replacement of your entire system.

Putnam Septic recommends cleaning your septic tank at least every 2-3 years.


While your tank is being pumped, ask the operator to examine the inlet and outlet baffles in the septic tank. If either is broken, you should have the repairs done immediately.

The inlet should also be checked to see if wastewater is continuously flowing into the tank from previously undetected plumbing leaks. The outlet baffle is more important than the inlet. Its loss will allow solids to go directly to the absorption area.

Septic systems generally give little warning when they are about to fail.

6 Signs of a Clogged Leaching System

  • The first sign that your septic system needs to be serviced is pooling water

  • Sewage odor near the septic tank or leaching field

  • Slowly running drains and toilets

  • Sewage on the ground over the leaching field

  • Sewage backing up into sinks, bathtubs or toilets

  • If the grass is lush and considerably greener over the leach (drain) field area than other areas, it could be time to get your septic tank pumped

Pro Tips to Protect Your Leach Field

  • Keep soil over the drain field covered with vegetation to prevent erosion

  • Do not drive heavy vehicles over the system

  • Avoid construction over the system

  • Maintain the natural shape of the land

  • Protect the area from cutting and filling

  • Landscape the yard to divert water from the tank and field

  • Be sure that the roof, gutters, and foundation drains do not flow over or into the system.

Call for a Free Estimate

Every situation is different, call today to discuss your needs!


Distribution Box and Leach Field

The wastewater exits the septic tank and enters the distribution box (d-box). The d-box evenly distributes the wastewater down each leach line. The leach line pipe has small holes that allow the wastewater to exit and travel through the soil for treatment before reaching the groundwater and nearby rivers and streams.

Leaching Pit

With a leaching pit, the wastewater exits the septic tank and then enters the pit with large holes where it exits and filters through the soil.


In a cesspool, all solids and liquids leaving the home enter a pit without the presence of a septic (settling) tank. Wastewater exits the holes and enters into the soil.

Septic Tank

The wastewater exits the house and then enters your septic tank where solids settle to the bottom, grease and scum float to the top, and the remaining wastewater sits in between both layers. The wastewater then exits the outlet pipe where it travels to the distribution box.

Symptoms of OWTS Failure

  • The ground is mushy or wet above the septic system’s absorption fields

  • Surface flow of wastewater – sometimes this may or be a noticeable liquid seeping along the surface of the ground near the septic system

  • Lush green grass over the absorption fields even in dry weather

  • Unpleasant odors around the property

  • The presence of nitrates or bacteria in the drinking water well

  • Buildup of aquatic weeds or algae in lakes or ponds adjacent to the property